Thank you so much. I have had so many nice things said about the game (and a few bad things lol) that I am thinking I will continue working on it. I have more to say about the that which IT represents and some more ideas have recently come to me. Maybe a kickstarter is in order.
That sounds awesome. I was wondering, has anyone given feedback on the screen freeze that happens when you double-jump? I think the screen freeze on double jump can make it feel a little too choppy, especially when combined with the screen freeze on hitting an enemy. Have you experimented with adjusting the timing?
Hard mode is certainly hard mode, yes. Jams dont afford much time to reiterate based on player feedback, but I thank you for your feedback now. If I make a full release, I will gather more playtester info and reassess how forgiving the checkpoints should be in Hard Mode. While I want it to challenging, I dont want the experience to be overly frustrating.
Which part are you struggling with in particular, out of interest?
i can't figure out how to get past this bit in the picture. the enemy seems unkillable. thank you for the reply.
about the save point, you do need to get past two empty rooms where it's impossible to die to get back to any point where you might have died, which i find pointless but you must have done it on purpose, so please forget about my complaint. rather, i'd like to know how to get past this room.
edit: apparently the hanging men are stopping my shit from hitting the creature. if i grab on the stalactite and shit on it from there it does die but then can't make it back to the ground to recharge my shit and make the full jump.
in case i'm the only one who's played on hard, these are three things i found too frustrating:
1) I don't know how i hit this guy, though eventually i did. it's just before a save point and there's quite a way to go if you die to it which has been very often for me.
2) This part is especially difficult because you must shit on the enemy on flight to recharge the double jump, which you'll need to get past the spikes (in the picture the enemy has respawned because i went back from the checkpoint).
You only have one try to hit him, a long way from the last checkpoint and little time to prepare before the mouth enemy spits in your direction. i found this too much even for a guy who obsesses even a single game for days, but maybe i must accept i'm not as good at games as i used to.
brilliant game anyway. for anyone who liked it, i recommend scimitri's games on gamejolt, especially "bullet bubby" and "the cardinal crusade". they're hard and have a similar atmosphere.
Correct. The DMG and pocket experience severe frame rate drops at times. The game requires the power of the GBC to run at 60 fps so I have purposefully created this DMG and Pocket lockout screen to prevent a choppy experience.
I have had no trouble playing the .pocket file or GBC file on my own Analogue Pocket. Im not sure why yours would be any different. Hit me up on discord, Mastodon or instagram and we can troubleshoot if you want. My username is GumpyFunction in all instances.
Just noticed a detail in the Game Rules section on The web browser you play here on itch is the ROM wrapped in the BinjGB emulator. Its more or less accurate to real hardware/BGB/SameBoy so there should be no practical difference between running on real hardware, most emulators and in browser on itch. Another game I was involved in was Grimace's Birthday for the GBC which has a healthy speedrunning community. They allow the web emulator and most other emulators. The only one banned is mGBA, so hopefully that will help make it a little more clear as to what is accurate enough for speedrunning purposes.
I wrote that ruling just to make my life easier. Currently, I'm the only person that actually submits runs and I do it through the itch launcher as a standalone program. I didn't even know that the web browser uses an emulator. Obviously a web browsers submitted game would be verifiable, but I doubt people would read "play it through itch" and jump to the conclusion, that the web browser version would be denied.
but again, currently, this is all theoretical. In the end, I wanted a simple to understand ruleset and wait for other runners to share their perspective. It's all up to change if/when others submit their runs
on a side note, 1.4 helped me achieve a massive 9:43. Not in-game time, Real Time!!!
I watched your run. That final boss fight was so cool to watch. such a good run.
I reckon I'll double check whether phase 1 is bugged out and not letting you chain shot the boss. Seems like the chain shot isnt working in that scene when it should. If you want to discuss any other items that would improve the speedrun experience, then let me know.
I can attack phase 1 with the chain shot. But as far as I can tell, every boss has a brief moment of invulnerability. It just so happens that phase 1 moves so quickly that it's just barely possible to even reach to hit a second time. Most of the time, that's too short for the invulnerability to be gone. But it's tight either way.
Honestly, I'm not sure if that needs fixing. Of course it would be nice for everything to be perfectly executable with 0 RNG, but currently only I seem to run it in any serious capacity. So it doesn't really matter in the end if I can two cycle phase 1 if the RNG can swing for 4 attacks each cycle (as compared to the WR phase 1 which I think only had 2 attacks total over 4 cycles?). I'd rather see how the speedrun develops in the near future instead of rushing to fix things that may just need to be understood correctly.
Thank you so much for engaging with the speedrun side and offering your help! It already means a lot that you even watch the speedruns at all :3
And I'll take you up on that offer once I actually get consistent (and maybe more people submit runs) ^^
My pleasure. I speedrun myself and care a lot about the speedrunning community. Im available on Discord if you think of anything. I've decided to continue working on this project and create a second part to the story and will want to add speedrun optimisations into that section of the game too.
I double checked the final Boss code and the chain shot regeneration code is working fine. But yeah, it's just very precise to time the next chain shot to hit right after he loses his i-frames while he is moving so fast.
I going to have to delete this for its spoilers. If you want, you can rephrase your criticism of aspects of the games story with the spoilers omitted. Thanks.
Thanks! Still working on the Hard Bonus Speedrun, I think I can get it below 15 minutes but just recently got a 18:05. I think sub 10 is possible but would require lucky RNG at the bosses for the “attackable” attacks
Thats impressive! From memory, I forced the attackable attack after 4 of the other attacks. But it can blow out the time if your unlucky for sure.
I have been trying to see if I can chain shot the first boss while they are against the wall in the bonus mode. I think its possible but its pretty damn hard to do.
Thats good to know! Do you also happen to know if the dialogue counts towards the timer at the end?
I just attempted what you said and I can’t seem to get a second chain shot jump off, even when jumping to the side. Thinking maybe it’s not resetting the jump shot on this boss? I feel like you could hit all 4 shots assuming it threw a projectile after running to you once? Assuming the chain shot is indeed working as intended
I actually just finished a deathless Normal Bonus as well, new PB. Obviously can be quicker with the death skip but had to complete it for the sake of it haha
All dialogue boxes and cutscenes will stop the in game timer. Pausing will also stop the IGT too. I would say the IGT isn't very reliable because it only ticks ups on the second. So any time you fade to black the timer will not count the remainder of that last second and will reset when the new scene initializes. If anyone is going to upload to, maybe RTA is the way to go? I just had a look at the first bosses code and you're right, its not resetting the jump shot on hit. I'll have to release another update to fix that bug so it all works as intended in Bonus mode. It won't have any effect on the base game though so I won't worry about the update for a week or so (just so I don't keep flooding peoples feeds with updates every other day haha). But I do want to make sure the game is polished enough to work as intended for speedrunning so I'll definitely fix that up. Thanks for double checking!
I like the cute-horror vibe, and I can always appreciate a good eye-and-mouth wall.
The opening sequence / cutscene establishes the narrative and gameplay themes well and doesn't meander.
Playing on CGB (original LCD) I found it a bit difficult to see the action with the default colour palette in all but perfect lighting conditions. The first unlocked palette was a welcome improvement.
Thanks for the feedback. I tend to assume people play on modded hardware these days but since its the default palette, Ill take a look at increasing its contrast to improve the readability on an unmodded GBC. Next update will take care of that.
With the GB screen being so small, I think it was ingenious to add that 3rd dimension for the final boss fight. It felt very natural and the telegraphing for the upcoming attack worked nicely.
I also immediately liked the rock textures and the mob death animations were oddly satisfying. The plot twist was also great. It's what players crave.
As deviantol pointed out, the "run" key feels like it wants to be held down for the entirety of the game which leads to finger fatigue.
Thanks! Yep, I'm currently implementing an options menu for v1.2 (among other things) that will include an auto-run option you can toggle on and off. Glad you enjoyed it.
Did enjoy it indeed! Now that I think of it, you could also consider making the new option "push B to walk" (inverted) so the button isn't entirely defunct.
Also, in the upper area with the chsing eye, you better not return there later, go up to the collectible and try to check out if you can jump to a screen to the left. cause apparently there is stuff there. camera doesnt follow you there but no holding right and running and jumping brought the character back on the screen to the right.
Just beat hard mode, adly with only 24/25 eggs. However this time, I placed a save state ahead of time, so if I'm bored enough, I may go back and explore everything to find that missing last egg. Currently dont feel like it though.
Just beat the hard mode! Honestly really fun challenging game!
One piece of feedback: the time gap between the final boss’ attacks are great except for after the diagonal fireballs, the other attacks start before the fireball animation ends. Not usually an issue but sometimes the follow up attack lands on the same side of the arena as you and is from what I can tell unavoidable, unless hugging the side wall of the platform (played on PC for reference)
Really great game otherwise, loads of fun and satisfying to beat, plus I like the way you did the bonus round, makes it a good speedrun!
Totally agree with the final boss fight on Hard mode there. Ill be tweaking that kind of thing now that I am getting a decent amount of feedback post jam. Appreciate your feedback and so glad to hear you enjoyed it!
I like it! Beat the game in about 20 min. I think the punishment for failure is a little high in some places. A one hit KO is pretty punishing, especially when you need to restart from a checkpoint really far away. I think this could have benefited from a life system, beginning of room checkpoint system, or both. Another note, you need to hold down the run button to wall jump up the same side of a wall which is not well explained. Also, the run button is only beneficial, leading to it being held down the entire time while playing. I think removing the run button and setting the player base speed to the run speed would be better (less finger fatigue). Overall, nice game! I think I will try hard mode soon.
Thanks for your feedback. I'll add an optional "speedrun" toggle that enables auto run for those that want it. Sometimes people want the slower speed to make it easier for them to platform. Thanks for playing!
Beaten in 22:40! Just an incredible GB Studio game, maybe the best 2 bit graphics I've ever seen and very solid gameplay. The metacommentary was actually funny too.
Oh well, got like 23 eggs, went left to looj at the final boss. and likely cant return anymore. so no perfect score for me :-/ Also boss is hard, making and beating his final form at least is
Nah, you can return to the main area and keep looking for lost eggs after you head left to the final boss section of the game. Just head back or kill yourself to spawn back at the checkpoint in the main area. As long as you don't reach the final checkpoint right before the actual Boss fight, you can keep looking. But it's a great first effort. It's not typical to find them all on a first playthrough, it's an optional challenge to give a little replay value.
The game has an inbuilt timer and shows your time at the end, so you can always replay for a 100% speedrun ;)
Or try hard mode. That is some pretty intense platforming!
that eye thing seems pretty impossible to get past as the wall jump doesnt work sometimes and its too fast to dodge so im giving up , shame as the rest of the game is top notch , well done
Just gotta keep practicing to get more proficient with how the PC handles, no doubt that mini boss is a difficulty spike, though. Ill take a deeper look into how the controls feel and work code wise post jam when I have more time. Cheers for your feedback!
v1.1 should address the issue you were having. The wall jump was working fine, but sometimes the wall kick wasn't executing - which may have felt like you were getting short changed. Anyway, the wall kick bug is fixed now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
I think I'm about half way through by now, it's really awesome. I love the vibes and the graphics are so perfect. It's been fun collecting the eggs so I can get new pallettes. W
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Really enjoyable, maybe I'll try time trial mode one day.
Thank you so much. I have had so many nice things said about the game (and a few bad things lol) that I am thinking I will continue working on it. I have more to say about the that which IT represents and some more ideas have recently come to me. Maybe a kickstarter is in order.
That sounds awesome. I was wondering, has anyone given feedback on the screen freeze that happens when you double-jump? I think the screen freeze on double jump can make it feel a little too choppy, especially when combined with the screen freeze on hitting an enemy. Have you experimented with adjusting the timing?
No one has mentioned that yet. Thanks for the feedback.
I like the screen freeze on double jump. It makes it a lot easier to see if hit landed and didn't break the flow for me :)
great art <3
Amazing! Wonder what it would've look like on ps1.
This is so good
finished it on hard albeit very poorly
these save points on hard mode are hell
Hard mode is certainly hard mode, yes. Jams dont afford much time to reiterate based on player feedback, but I thank you for your feedback now. If I make a full release, I will gather more playtester info and reassess how forgiving the checkpoints should be in Hard Mode. While I want it to challenging, I dont want the experience to be overly frustrating.
Which part are you struggling with in particular, out of interest?
Thanks again.
i can't figure out how to get past this bit in the picture. the enemy seems unkillable. thank you for the reply.about the save point, you do need to get past two empty rooms where it's impossible to die to get back to any point where you might have died, which i find pointless but you must have done it on purpose, so please forget about my complaint. rather, i'd like to know how to get past this room.edit: apparently the hanging men are stopping my shit from hitting the creature. if i grab on the stalactite and shit on it from there it does die but then can't make it back to the ground to recharge my shit and make the full jump.
i did it though i don't know how
in case i'm the only one who's played on hard, these are three things i found too frustrating:
1) I don't know how i hit this guy, though eventually i did. it's just before a save point and there's quite a way to go if you die to it which has been very often for me.

2) This part is especially difficult because you must shit on the enemy on flight to recharge the double jump, which you'll need to get past the spikes (in the picture the enemy has respawned because i went back from the checkpoint).
You only have one try to hit him, a long way from the last checkpoint and little time to prepare before the mouth enemy spits in your direction. i found this too much even for a guy who obsesses even a single game for days, but maybe i must accept i'm not as good at games as i used to.
brilliant game anyway. for anyone who liked it, i recommend scimitri's games on gamejolt, especially "bullet bubby" and "the cardinal crusade". they're hard and have a similar atmosphere.
Nice and polished, Tom! Can I ask what development tools/languages were used to create it?
Thank you very much, I used GB Studio to make it.
Standard out of the box GB studio? No additional customizations at all?
I used GB Studio 3.1 with the following plugins:
- Platformer Plus by Hauntology
- Advanced Dialogue and Player fields plugins by Pautomas
- Swap Tiles plugin by Fredrik
Ah, very nice. Thank you for the information! I’ll look into those. Cheers.
What a blast this game was… great work.
I managed to beat the game with touch controls!
Thank you!! Well done, and with touch controls no less.
muzkrat is the besttttttttt
I think this would be ace to play on iOS!
Hey, cheers. I think you could download the ROM and use a GBC emulator on more or less any device ;)
Fun platformer hitting all the rigth GB notes. Also might be one of the most accurate presentations of -that- character ever.
Cheers!! So glad to hear you enjoyed.
Super fun game, beautiful!
Thank you very much ❤️
Show post...
Game not working on GB Pocket!
Correct. The DMG and pocket experience severe frame rate drops at times. The game requires the power of the GBC to run at 60 fps so I have purposefully created this DMG and Pocket lockout screen to prevent a choppy experience.
A lotta fun! I ended up getting all 25 eggs on my first playthrough, which is nice, but I couldn't figure out how to input the code thingy. Oh well!
The code can be inputted on the "Gumpy Function" logo screen.
Crashes immediately on my analogue pocket. Both the GBC file as the pocket file. I’ll play it in browser later.
I have had no trouble playing the .pocket file or GBC file on my own Analogue Pocket. Im not sure why yours would be any different. Hit me up on discord, Mastodon or instagram and we can troubleshoot if you want. My username is GumpyFunction in all instances.
Really cool game! Got addicted to it, so now I opened a page on with a run clocking in at 11:03 real time, 7:29 in-game!
Hell yeah! Thanks for going to the trouble. I've added a link to the page in the description.
Just noticed a detail in the Game Rules section on The web browser you play here on itch is the ROM wrapped in the BinjGB emulator. Its more or less accurate to real hardware/BGB/SameBoy so there should be no practical difference between running on real hardware, most emulators and in browser on itch.
Another game I was involved in was Grimace's Birthday for the GBC which has a healthy speedrunning community. They allow the web emulator and most other emulators. The only one banned is mGBA, so hopefully that will help make it a little more clear as to what is accurate enough for speedrunning purposes.
I wrote that ruling just to make my life easier. Currently, I'm the only person that actually submits runs and I do it through the itch launcher as a standalone program. I didn't even know that the web browser uses an emulator. Obviously a web browsers submitted game would be verifiable, but I doubt people would read "play it through itch" and jump to the conclusion, that the web browser version would be denied.
but again, currently, this is all theoretical. In the end, I wanted a simple to understand ruleset and wait for other runners to share their perspective. It's all up to change if/when others submit their runs
on a side note, 1.4 helped me achieve a massive 9:43. Not in-game time, Real Time!!!
I watched your run. That final boss fight was so cool to watch. such a good run.
I reckon I'll double check whether phase 1 is bugged out and not letting you chain shot the boss. Seems like the chain shot isnt working in that scene when it should. If you want to discuss any other items that would improve the speedrun experience, then let me know.
I can attack phase 1 with the chain shot. But as far as I can tell, every boss has a brief moment of invulnerability. It just so happens that phase 1 moves so quickly that it's just barely possible to even reach to hit a second time. Most of the time, that's too short for the invulnerability to be gone. But it's tight either way.
Honestly, I'm not sure if that needs fixing. Of course it would be nice for everything to be perfectly executable with 0 RNG, but currently only I seem to run it in any serious capacity. So it doesn't really matter in the end if I can two cycle phase 1 if the RNG can swing for 4 attacks each cycle (as compared to the WR phase 1 which I think only had 2 attacks total over 4 cycles?). I'd rather see how the speedrun develops in the near future instead of rushing to fix things that may just need to be understood correctly.
Thank you so much for engaging with the speedrun side and offering your help! It already means a lot that you even watch the speedruns at all :3
And I'll take you up on that offer once I actually get consistent (and maybe more people submit runs) ^^
My pleasure. I speedrun myself and care a lot about the speedrunning community. Im available on Discord if you think of anything. I've decided to continue working on this project and create a second part to the story and will want to add speedrun optimisations into that section of the game too.
I double checked the final Boss code and the chain shot regeneration code is working fine. But yeah, it's just very precise to time the next chain shot to hit right after he loses his i-frames while he is moving so fast.
Very impressive game. Really funny game.
Thanks for sharing your video!
Wow, this is really amazing, good job! I'd definitely get it if it were released in physical format!
Thank you! If I do a physical, ill probs make it a larger experience. ;)
this can't run on a DMG GB, right? only GBC?
looks great!
Thats right, just GBC. I tried getting it to run on the DMG but the frame rate was tanking way too much, especially during the boss fights.
I going to have to delete this for its spoilers. If you want, you can rephrase your criticism of aspects of the games story with the spoilers omitted. Thanks.
Had to go for a Normal Bonus Speedrun, one death was intentional for time saving, the second death was not. My first sub 10 none the less!
Hell yeah! Great time! Yep, there is one spot where taking a death is definitely the right way to go. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! Still working on the Hard Bonus Speedrun, I think I can get it below 15 minutes but just recently got a 18:05. I think sub 10 is possible but would require lucky RNG at the bosses for the “attackable” attacks
Thats impressive! From memory, I forced the attackable attack after 4 of the other attacks. But it can blow out the time if your unlucky for sure.
I have been trying to see if I can chain shot the first boss while they are against the wall in the bonus mode. I think its possible but its pretty damn hard to do.
Thats good to know! Do you also happen to know if the dialogue counts towards the timer at the end?
I just attempted what you said and I can’t seem to get a second chain shot jump off, even when jumping to the side. Thinking maybe it’s not resetting the jump shot on this boss? I feel like you could hit all 4 shots assuming it threw a projectile after running to you once? Assuming the chain shot is indeed working as intended
I actually just finished a deathless Normal Bonus as well, new PB. Obviously can be quicker with the death skip but had to complete it for the sake of it haha
All dialogue boxes and cutscenes will stop the in game timer. Pausing will also stop the IGT too. I would say the IGT isn't very reliable because it only ticks ups on the second. So any time you fade to black the timer will not count the remainder of that last second and will reset when the new scene initializes. If anyone is going to upload to, maybe RTA is the way to go?
I just had a look at the first bosses code and you're right, its not resetting the jump shot on hit. I'll have to release another update to fix that bug so it all works as intended in Bonus mode. It won't have any effect on the base game though so I won't worry about the update for a week or so (just so I don't keep flooding peoples feeds with updates every other day haha). But I do want to make sure the game is polished enough to work as intended for speedrunning so I'll definitely fix that up. Thanks for double checking!
I like the cute-horror vibe, and I can always appreciate a good eye-and-mouth wall.
The opening sequence / cutscene establishes the narrative and gameplay themes well and doesn't meander.
Playing on CGB (original LCD) I found it a bit difficult to see the action with the default colour palette in all but perfect lighting conditions. The first unlocked palette was a welcome improvement.
Impressive work.
Thanks for the feedback. I tend to assume people play on modded hardware these days but since its the default palette, Ill take a look at increasing its contrast to improve the readability on an unmodded GBC. Next update will take care of that.
Thanks again!
With the GB screen being so small, I think it was ingenious to add that 3rd dimension for the final boss fight. It felt very natural and the telegraphing for the upcoming attack worked nicely. I also immediately liked the rock textures and the mob death animations were oddly satisfying. The plot twist was also great. It's what players crave. As deviantol pointed out, the "run" key feels like it wants to be held down for the entirety of the game which leads to finger fatigue.
Thanks! Yep, I'm currently implementing an options menu for v1.2 (among other things) that will include an auto-run option you can toggle on and off. Glad you enjoyed it.
Did enjoy it indeed! Now that I think of it, you could also consider making the new option "push B to walk" (inverted) so the button isn't entirely defunct.
Totally, it shall be done!
Also, in the upper area with the chsing eye, you better not return there later, go up to the collectible and try to check out if you can jump to a screen to the left.
cause apparently there is stuff there.
camera doesnt follow you there but no holding right and running and jumping brought the character back on the screen to the right.
Ha, I better fix that for the next update. Thanks for letting me know.
Finally beat the easy mode with 25 eggs!
Musk Rat for the win! <3
Just beat hard mode, adly with only 24/25 eggs.
However this time, I placed a save state ahead of time, so if I'm bored enough, I may go back and explore everything to find that missing last egg. Currently dont feel like it though.
soooo good! Love the sound design and overall visual style. Super funny dialogue and really fun unique level design. Loved it!
Thank you!
Just beat the hard mode! Honestly really fun challenging game!
One piece of feedback: the time gap between the final boss’ attacks are great except for after the diagonal fireballs, the other attacks start before the fireball animation ends. Not usually an issue but sometimes the follow up attack lands on the same side of the arena as you and is from what I can tell unavoidable, unless hugging the side wall of the platform (played on PC for reference)
Really great game otherwise, loads of fun and satisfying to beat, plus I like the way you did the bonus round, makes it a good speedrun!
Totally agree with the final boss fight on Hard mode there. Ill be tweaking that kind of thing now that I am getting a decent amount of feedback post jam. Appreciate your feedback and so glad to hear you enjoyed it!
I like it! Beat the game in about 20 min. I think the punishment for failure is a little high in some places. A one hit KO is pretty punishing, especially when you need to restart from a checkpoint really far away. I think this could have benefited from a life system, beginning of room checkpoint system, or both. Another note, you need to hold down the run button to wall jump up the same side of a wall which is not well explained. Also, the run button is only beneficial, leading to it being held down the entire time while playing. I think removing the run button and setting the player base speed to the run speed would be better (less finger fatigue). Overall, nice game! I think I will try hard mode soon.
Thanks for your feedback. I'll add an optional "speedrun" toggle that enables auto run for those that want it. Sometimes people want the slower speed to make it easier for them to platform. Thanks for playing!
Beaten in 22:40! Just an incredible GB Studio game, maybe the best 2 bit graphics I've ever seen and very solid gameplay. The metacommentary was actually funny too.
Thanks! So glad to hear you enjoyed it so much.
Very nice game.
Just beat it in 60:00 (!), 136 deaths and all eggs.
Good job!
Thanks! 60 mins is the max time displayed. I can look into an update later that provides an hour counter so it's more accurate.
I beat the game AND got all of the eggs! I'm only on normal mode, though, but it was still a challenge.
Nice job! Enjoy the bonus mode. Its a bit easier than normal IMO ;)
Oh well, got like 23 eggs, went left to looj at the final boss.
and likely cant return anymore.
so no perfect score for me :-/
Also boss is hard, making and beating his final form at least is
Nah, you can return to the main area and keep looking for lost eggs after you head left to the final boss section of the game. Just head back or kill yourself to spawn back at the checkpoint in the main area. As long as you don't reach the final checkpoint right before the actual Boss fight, you can keep looking. But it's a great first effort. It's not typical to find them all on a first playthrough, it's an optional challenge to give a little replay value.
The game has an inbuilt timer and shows your time at the end, so you can always replay for a 100% speedrun ;)
Or try hard mode. That is some pretty intense platforming!
"As long as you don't reach the final checkpoint right before the actual Boss fight"
Well, about that... :-(
Managed to accidentally reset the game on controller when in the pause menu. I'm not retreading this ground.
Decent work otherwise.
That's too bad, you can save in the map screen (Once you get your first soul).
also having to hold the run key down all the time is a pain , surely there is a better way to speed up movement ? ie dash ?
that eye thing seems pretty impossible to get past as the wall jump doesnt work sometimes and its too fast to dodge so im giving up , shame as the rest of the game is top notch , well done
Just gotta keep practicing to get more proficient with how the PC handles, no doubt that mini boss is a difficulty spike, though. Ill take a deeper look into how the controls feel and work code wise post jam when I have more time. Cheers for your feedback!
v1.1 should address the issue you were having. The wall jump was working fine, but sometimes the wall kick wasn't executing - which may have felt like you were getting short changed. Anyway, the wall kick bug is fixed now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Nice one. I was using my own 3DS to test it out, actually. GameYob is surprisingly a really solid emulator. Enjoy!
I think I'm about half way through by now, it's really awesome. I love the vibes and the graphics are so perfect. It's been fun collecting the eggs so I can get new pallettes. W
Looks amazing dude. Super Cool.
I learned about all the neat things that the internet has to offer, then I destroyed them. 😈
The game is hard, but is very fun! The music is amazing and makes me feel like a hand-man with nothing to lose.