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Another well thought and very polished GBC game!  I enjoyed the story and level design.  The game is accessible enough to be completed by most players but there is enough challenge in mastering the mechanics to make me want to replay and improve my score. 

The art style is simple and well polished.  A very fun little game and I'm sure it will make an effective marketing tool for Tommy Dassalo.  Great work!


I never knew I hated wall jumping in games until I played  this one.  I mean, they're even self-aware that the wall-jumping is bad since [SPOILER ALERT] in the 3rd level of the first world Tommy's dog threatens him with more wall-jumping. So yeah, it's fiddicky and it's there to mostly annoy you. If you can't program a satisfactory wall-jump in your game, just don't do it at all. This game would be 100% more better without any kind of wall-jumping.

Honestly... just don't bother with this game.


I've got to disagree with you here.  I could see having troubles if you were playing on a phone, but the wall jump mechanic worked great on a keyboard and GBC.  It behaved just as I would expect it to.

Yeah, playing on an phone. Don't have access to a PC right now.

I love the game so far but is there anyway to speed up/advance the countdowns at the end of each level. If I make a good time and score, I need to wait for it to countdown each counter before proceeding....

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Also, is there an in-level collectible counter? I know the levels are short but it'd be nice to know I have everything before exiting the level. That's what the circle near the clock is. It turns into a tick. Not a counter but helpful nonetheless.

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I finished the game. I definitely am not trying for all S ranks.
Accuracy in a SHMUP? No thanks.
EDIT: It's not as bad as I feared. I managed all S ranks on my second playthough.
Plus, there one roll under the blue platforms at the end of one level I can't figure how to reach.  You can pass through them (by pressing down). That one's my bad.

I do still like the game. It's something I'd like to make one day. You should put a warning that it's adults only though, despite its looks.

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Pretty neat. I love the graphics and character designs. My only issue it it's a bit too simple due to the fact that there are no health points or lives so getting hit by enemies doesn't seem to mean anything other than affecting your time and score. While getting hit does take away from your score it's quite minimal. Maybe you should change the amount that gets taken away if a score based system is what your're leaning towards.

I take that back... only played world 1. World 2 is much more difficult! lol

If they would implement a health system in this game, you wouldn't be able to pass the 1st World boss. Hell, at the end of that level they score you hased on how many much times you  got hit by the boss.

Yeah I realized that after playing that level.

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