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Really nice! I like the gameplay mechanics, simple yet practical

Gooood moooooooorning video games!

This game is really good overall rating 89/100

almost got everything

Wow! I remember getting the same results except for 2-2 (which confused me and I gave up on) & 3-3 I got an A without a star and for 3-2 I got an S rank with a star! Unfortunately, I forgot the scores and to take a screenshot so uh yeah...

(1 edit) (+1)

Nevermind! Here are my results (pressing the right arrow key shows you the requirements to get S rank for all stages in case you don't know.)

Good job!


I loved the expressive Tommy and his cute dog sidekick!
The game was funny, full of parodies and little dicks!
The Dr. Wiley parody in the last stage was especially funny, meow~!

this is a short game. but its good enough

i think i know what happened in 1-2, it played text but it didn't allow it to move so it got stuck so good first fix

你好我是来自中国的玩家我发现了bug 在第三世界到剧情的时候疯狂按住j键位主角就会飞起来可惜我没有截屏请您尝试下在剧情状态,重复游玩不会出现

Hello, I am a player from China. I found a bug. When entering the plot in the third world, press the J key like crazy and the protagonist will fly up. Unfortunately, I did not take a screenshot. Please try it in the plot state. It will not appear if you play repeatedly.

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Good game with nice graphics and great playability. Good work!




Hey there, this is a game crash. Do you remember what you were doing and in what level/screen you were when this occurred? Cheers


This game is very fun! Really like the art and gameplay. Congrats! 

Just finished build v1.1 in Visual Boy Advance. Great job!


Just heard about this, just now. Already a fan.

I just finished the game, it is a work of art, it is very well done, please continue like this

You are a genius!

I loved everything about this game.  I had a ton of fun playing it.  More specifically, I loved the Art and Play Style 

Thank you!


10/10. It's like warioland but with dicks

(1 edit) (+2)

On World 2, Level 2 if you reach the dog before grabbing the required item, your character will be stuck standing in place while the timer runs out (at least on the browser version).

Update: Just beat the game. Easy 5/5 stars! So much fun, great art direction, dialogue, gameplay, characters, etc. Really fun experience.

(1 edit)

I just got the same bug! I'm stuck standing there and every button I push just shoots my yoyo out.

(Edit) NEVER MIND I didn't realize there was an update. Fun game!


Wow, this is an actual professional game! Great style, nice music, fun gameplay and really funny jokes haha 

See that community? This is how you make a game!


Isn't this awesome?  Honestly I think everything from Gumpy Function is pro! Super talented game dev.  

loved this the graphics are so retro

i got softlocked by going into a wall:

(1 edit)

Sorry about that. I have fixed this bug, fixed some more and polished some design elements post release. After some more quality assurance testing, version 1.1 will be good to go. Likely out by the end of the week.

In the meantime, refreshing your browser or resetting the Game Boy ROM will allow you to continue the game from your last auto-save at the beginning of that level. Apologies I didn't catch this before the deadline, thanks for the bug report.

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oh that happend to me in level 1-1, 1-2, 1-3. i think every level and it didn't fix when restarting so new game each time. i think what happens is the character moves and it doesn't play the animation and this is on the web version.


though i dont have a game boy color, the oldest device i have is a hdd and a console it is a original 3ds. i sure do have a pc. 

Made a video


love the game, thanks for making it! Spotted a little typo at the end of the end credits (it says ‘thanks for for playing’, doubling up on the ‘for’). As an aside, this whole project was my intro to Itch and I’m going to try out more ROMs now!!


Thanks. Yep, my brother pointed that out to me a couple of hours after we released the game, haha. I'll fix that up for a v1.1 update. Welcome to itch ;)

i found a bug i think. when you talk to the dog in the level with the lamps and the eggplants and don't collect something you need to collect, you can't move anymore.

great game besides that btw :) 

(1 edit)

Cheers, I'll squash that bug for the v1.1 update. Refreshing your browser or resetting the Game Boy ROM will allow you to continue the game from your last auto-save at the beginning of that level until then. Sorry I didn't catch it before the release. Thanks for pointing it out.

np, and thank you! :)


a minute in and you're telling sex jokes. better wash your mouth, dassalo buddy. 


This game is really good! I love how well you managed to emulate the style of GBC games. The textures are really charming and the music is nice and cheerful. Great work!


Thanks! It is a GBC game btw, you can download the ROM free and play through an emulator or hardware, too ;)

Gostei muito do design e do jogo , muito massa!


I love design!


another amazing game you put out! I love how everything is colored


This is so FUN!!!


The game is phenomenal! I was wondering how you did for moves like the double key forward for the slide, or the crash to the ground with the down key


Thank you! When I get some free time, I would be happy to make a dev log and go through how some of the move set was created using the Platformer Plus plugin by Hauntology in GB Studio 3.2.


wow, then I look forward to it!

Just briefly tried the game and found some bugs. Both on 1-3, a butt stomp glitch at 3:13 in the vid. And then a sort of softlock at 4:50. And then messing with the butt stomp more after that.

Thanks for the video and the reports. The ground pound bug is known. The others ill fix in an update to be released in less than week. Thanks again.


Super Dassalo Land Gameplay


Howdy! Excellent work, everybody! Love the graphics (right down to the font), enjoyed the writing… and all is greatly accompanied by the music! Thus far. At least. I stopped by in the comments section after I met a nasty bugger… reaching Kewpie in 2-2 without the soup(?)/tea(?)… and after I got served a well(?) deserved(?) insult this happened: nothing, can’t control Tommy any longer by means of the arrow keys. The man’s locked in his idle animation! Too bad, eh?

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks heaps for the bug report. I will be working on a v1.1 update over the next week to squash some more bugs we couldn't fix before the deadline.

The game auto-saves at the end of levels, even in the browser version. So reloading the page or resetting your emulator if you are using the ROM should allow you to continue your game 

Thanks again!


So yes, I’d return a bit later and would play it through! Very much enjoyed the final boss who gave off actual Cuphead vibes. Now risking to sound extra-lame with this one, but…: adding a classic mode that offers an HP system would be dearly appreciated. Not that I think I would survive any of the current boss fights in that case… but I’m afraid, I couldn’t make myself care that much about the scores that I’d reach at the end of each level. Nonetheless, I had a lot of fun throughout the game (and actually also enjoyed the wall-jump mechanic).


A very mysterious game, congratulations to the creators of this game, it keeps you in suspense, I would like to ask the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, greetings to the creators from Spain!!

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