LBaP! Translations & Additional "Follow-Along" Docs

LBaP! Translations & Additional "Follow-Along" Docs

Ever since I started using GB Studio in 2021, the GBS community has been supportive and encouraging to myself and many others. Importantly, it has been extremely patient with beginners (both young and old alike) seeking to learn how to use GBS so they can express themselves by making games. 

Because GB Studio is free to use and the source code is freely available, it is part of a very special club of software. Open Source projects such as GB Studio provide an opportunity for anyone - no matter how rich or poor they are - to learn new skills, express themselves and build on the past work of thousands of others (just look at all the newly available plugins that have recently come out) to the benefit of the larger community.

I started this course as a way to reciprocate the generosity of Chris Maltby, the GBS dev team and the thousands of other GBS users that have given back to the community whether by writing articles for GBSC, making tutorial videos, providing free art, music and SFX assets, creating GBS plugins and even just spending some time on the GBS discord to answer a question or two to help someone solve a problem. 

Over the past few months, I have had others come to me wanting to translate the course into other languages and have since written translations for lesson 1 and 2 in Portuguese (Praiamo) and lesson 1 in Spanish (Proto Pixel)

Additionally, as I had to stop writing the long-form “follow-along” tutorials because I don’t have enough time to support that amount of work, instead opting to keep all information within the project files from Lesson 3 onwards, I’ve also had a couple of excited fans independently contact me and share documents that they have written. So far, there are two Lesson 3 documents that aim to continue this “follow-along” format and have been shared with me so that others have the option to continue working through the course as per the original format I created for lesson 1 and 2 (provided by Chunky Steveo and Lost Katana). With thanks to the writers, I thought it best to share them with anyone that may find them useful when going through the LBaP! course.

Thanks to everyone that has helped me expand the reach of this course and to anyone that shares the course with others (below are some images that can be used on socials if you ever want to share the course). I am honored that so many people have contacted me asking to give their own time to help others build new skills and contribute to the growing community that surrounds GB Studio.

If you want to discuss the LBaP! course or say thanks to the generous contributors mentioned above, you can do so by joining my discord server.

Thanks, Tom (Gumpy Function).

LBaP! (English)

LBaP! (Portuguese)

LBaP! (Spanish)

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